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Alaska Fisheries Report

  • This week KYUK's Evan Erickson reports on a report from the federal General Accountability Office that is critical of both fisheries observer programs and bycatch monitoring, Colleen Love for KTNA on record low king salmon returns in Susitna Valley rivers, and another post from Evan Erickson about the final report from the Alaska Salmon Research Task Force.
  • On this week's Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: KUCB's Andy Lusk on the Fishermen's Memorial in Unalaska, Jack Darrell of KRBD reports that the deadline for comment on ESA listing for Gulf of Alaska king salmon has been extended, Alaska Public Media's Wesley Early on the Ship Creek shutdown for king fishing, Jessie Sheldon reports of a fire on the new processor in Bristol Bay for KDLG, and KDLG's Meg Duff tells of king salmon from Nushagak for elders.
  • On this week's Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: A conversation with Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers' Jamie Goen about federal disaster funds, their proper uses, and the need for speed in their deployment.
  • On this week's Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: KYUK's Evan Erickson reports on concerns from Kuskokwim residents about trawlers working near salmon streams, and KFSK"s Shelby Herbert gets help from Jack Darrell of KRBD on a deep dive into the petition to list Gulf of Alaska king salmon as endangered.
  • This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: Andy Lusk of KUCB tells of Aleutian mayors and their appeal to the federal government for help during a fish market crisis, Katherine Rose reports on the Sitka Assembly backing halibut bycatch caps for KCAW, KDLL's Ashlyn O'Hara on yet another lawsuit over the Cook Inlet EEZ, and rusting rivers are the focus of a story by KOTZ's Deseree Hagen.
  • This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: KMXT's Brian Venua reports on a flood of Russian fish, and on Bristol Bay's new 400 foot floater, plus Sofia Stuart-Rasi of KUCB on the Qawalagin Tribe's efforts to make mussels safe again in Unalaska.
  • This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: KMXT's Davis Hovey reports on a bill that would eliminate double vessel registration for fishermen, Alaska Public Media's Liz Ruskin reports on new bycatch bills from Rep. Mary Peltola, Copper River salmon season has started, according to KUAC's Dan Bross, and it is drill conductor training season for the Alaska Marine Safety Education Association.
  • This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines:Robert Woolsey reports on new management for the Little Port Walterchinook hatchery for KCAW, Dan Bross files a report on federal management of Yukon River salmon, and a Kodiak forecast for the commercial salmon season from KMXT's Davis Hovey.
  • This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines:KDLL's Riley Board reports on the federal disaster declaration forsetnetters on the east side of Upper Cook Inlet and on the final rulefor federal management of salmon fisheries in the Upper Cook's EEZ. Crab fishermen were charged in federal court for illegal transport of crab, as reported by CoastAlaska's Angela Denning. And for KFSK Hannah Flor reports on a proposal to change how a popular run of hatchery king salmon near Petersburg is managed,
  • This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: Anna Canny looks at the effects of climate change on Gulf of Alaska harvesters for KTOO, Nat Herz of Northern Journal on efforts by the Alaska Senate to help smaller fish processors, Jack Darrell of KRBD reports that Trident's Ketchikan plant has changed hands, and Sitka's Seafood Producer's Cooperative will get an energy upgrade, with federal help, as reported by KCAW.