Kodiak residents driving by the Harbormaster’s office may have seen blue field hospital tents- while they may look like set pieces from a movie, they’re actually going to be used by the Emergency Operations Center tomorrow to administer doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to those who sign up in advance.
350 appointments were initially available for those 65 and older or healthcare workers. Only about 100 of those appointments are currently filled, but that may be a good thing. According to City Manager Mike Tvenge, this could be a sign that many of the island’s seniors may already have had their first dose. For those wondering, there will not be any doses available to the general public later on. The exact number of signups will have their doses available- none of the vaccine will go to waste.
Those in the eligible group can sign up online at covidvax.alaska.gov, or be signed up in person during the clinic hours- from 9am to 5pm tomorrow. Assistance is available in multiple languages, and assistance for scheduling can be reached by calling 907-646-322 or the Kodiak Senior Center at 907-486-6181.