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KMXT Adult Spelling Bee Contestant FAQ

What is the KMXT adult spelling bee?

The 2024 KMXT Adult Spelling Bee is a fun community event hosted as a fundraiser for Kodiak’s local public radio station, KMXT.

Who can participate?

Any member of the community who is over 18 and out of high school can form a team of 3 to compete. Go to KMXT.org to sign up your team and be sure to have a clever team name!

What do I do after I sign up?

Once you have signed up your team, you can start preparing!


Teams are encouraged to have costumes or matching outfits that align with their team name or the organization they represent. For example, a Main Elementary team could come in Main Eagle regalia.


Your team can study as much or as little as you want to. A non-exhaustive list of spelling words and study tools is available on the KMXT website.


Team registration fee can be paid after signing up your team to compete. Expect an email from KMXT or pay here.

Can my family come watch?

Absolutely! Tickets will be available to purchase closer to the event.