Kodiak Public Broadcasting Corporation is designated a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. KPBC is located at 620 Egan Way, Kodiak, Alaska. Our federal tax ID number is 23-7422357.
On today's episode of a special Talk of the Rock, KMXT's Terry Haines hosts the first show in a Coastal Radio Series about climate change adaptation in Gulf of Alaska fisheries, and communities, in partnership with the Alaska Ocean Observing System and NOAA Fisheries. This four-part local radio series explores changes in the marine ecosystem through conversations between fishermen, scientists, and managers.
Davis Hovey was first drawn to Alaska by the opportunity to work for a radio station in a remote, unique place like Nome. More than 7 years later he has spent most of his career reporting on climate change and research, fisheries, local government, Alaska Native communities and so much more.