The Kodiak port and harbors department installed a gate at Saint Herman’s Harbor last week on Wednesday, Jan. 24, following a trend of theft and security issues at the city’s storage lot.
City Manager Mike Tvenge said the gate will control overnight access to the lot where gravel and some boats are stored, across the channel from Oscar’s Spit at the end of Alimaq Drive on Near Island.
“There have been problems with vandalism, theft and excessive littering occurring mostly during the late evening hours,” Tvenge explained. “Harbor staff will be locking the gate at approximately 8 p.m. and reopening again at 7 a.m. Those hours will be adjusted to accommodate for increased daylight throughout the year.”
If a boat owner needs to access their boat after 8 p.m., they can call the Duty Harbor office 907 654 8170 or use a VHF radio and contact staff on channel 12.
For further assistance, contact the Port and Harbors office at 907 486 8080.
A spokesperson for the Kodiak Police Department, Lt. Francis De La Fuente, said although reported incidents have been declining lately, Kodiak’s harbors tend to be targets for “crimes of opportunity” like theft.
KPD says various night walkers in Kodiak look for unlocked vehicles and property, like boats in St. Herman’s Harbor, that they can access overnight.
Patrol officers typically do security checks at St. Herman’s Harbor on an almost daily basis, according to the Kodiak Police Department blotter. But with this new gate installed, the hope is potential criminal activities at the harbor will be curbed.
The department also encourages all boat and property owners to put locks on their property and secure valuable items.